People at CIE

The Center for Industrial Ecology is comprised of an international team of faculty, students, staff and visiting scholars that work together to further the field of industrial ecology.




Peter Berrill's picture
Peter Berrill
PhD Candidate, Yale School of the Environment, Advisor Edgar Hertwich

Peter Berrill is working on understanding the environmental impacts of consumer, product and infrastructure systems which determine energy demand. His research utilizes statistical data analysis, building energy simulation, life cycle assessment and environmentally extended input output analysis. In addition to studying the effects of energy scenarios and energy policy alternatives, Peter also focuses on the user/demand side of the energy system and ways in which we can better understand and encourage sustainable consumption of energy. His PhD thesis will focus on development pathways of the US residential sector, and in particular on strategies for reducing GHG emissions from housing in the US. Before coming to the Center for Industrial Ecology at Yale, Peter worked at the Industrial Ecology Programme in NTNU, Norway, and studied at Waseda University, Japan, and Universiteit Leiden and TU Delft in the Netherlands.


Matthew Gordon's picture
Matthew Gordon
PhD Candidate, Yale School of the Environment, Advisor Marian Chertow



Matt’s research deals with the industrial ecology of cities and economic development. He grew up locally in Madison, CT. Before coming to Yale he worked as a Senior Analyst at the New York City Economic Development Corporation. Current work:  Waste systems in developing countries

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Gentry Higgins
Student Employee
Aishwarya Iyer's picture
Aishwarya Iyer
PhD Student, Yale School of the Environment, Advisor Edgar Hertwich

Aishwarya’s work so far has dealt with urban residences in India. She will be working on creating a detailed understanding of existing residential archetypes, their energy and material consumption, and understanding of future developments in the urban areas of India through her PhD.

Mochen Liao's picture
Mochen Liao
PhD Candidate, Yale School of the Environment, Advisor Yuan Yao

Mochen Liao’s research interests focus on developing advanced life cycle modeling tools in order to understand and improve the sustainability implications of industrial processes such as bioproducts and bioenergy production. His research utilizes process simulation, life cycle assessment, and state-of-art machine learning technologies to overcome the data gaps in developing the models. Currently, he is working on establishing data-driven life cycle assessment model for the biochar production.

Reed Miller's picture
Reed Miller
PhD Candidate, Environmental Engineering, Advisor Edgar Hertwich

Masters of Technology and Public Policy, MIT, ‘12. Masters of Environmental and Water Quality Engineering, MIT, ‘10. BS in Environmental Engineering, University at Buffalo, ‘08.

Reed Miller is broadly interested in modeling pathways toward equitable production and consumption provisioning systems within planetary boundaries.  His background in Industrial Ecology began at the MIT Materials Systems Lab looking at the exports of e-waste from North America, which transitioned into life cycle environmental impact assessments (LCA) of new electronic products.  Later, he worked to develop LCA tools and to quantify resilience strategies for residential buildings working with the MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub.  With CIE, he’s looking into LCA of specialty manufacturing, and is exploring high-level models of society-wide environmental impacts.

Tong Wang's picture
Tong Wang
PhD Candidate, School of Engineering & Applied Science (SEAS) , Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering , Advisor Edgar Hertwich

Master of Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University. BS in Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. BBA, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Tong is interested in energy consumption and environmental impact of metal recycling. She is working on optimizing the metal recycling process that will decrease the energy consumption and environmental impact and increase the metal efficiency.  

Paul Wolfram's picture
Paul Wolfram
PhD Candidate, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Industrial Ecology, Advisor Edgar Hertwich

MSc Environmental Planning. BS Transportation Economics. 

Before joining Yale, he held a position at the International Council on Clean Transportation, working on carbon emissions and costs of conventional and electric vehicles in a European context. Paul holds a Master’s degree from the Berlin Institute of Technology where he conducted research on the carbon footprint of renewable technologies in Australia.



Xiao Li's picture
Xiao Li
Postdoctoral Associate, Affiliation Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Advisor Marian Chertow

Xiao is currently involved in research projects on industrial waste management, low-carbon urban strategies, and so on. With a multidisciplinary background in economics and environmental science & engineering, he is interested in the research opportunities derived from the “dialogues” among industrial ecology, environmental economics, and applied microeconometrics, with connections to causal inference and policy evaluation, in particular. Xiao got a Ph.D. degree from School of Environment, Tsinghua University. Adopting the quasi-experimental approach, his doctoral dissertation evaluated the causal effects of China’s latest air pollution regulation on economic output, labor demand, air quality, and carbon co-benefits. He has also studied industrial symbiosis related to the iron and steel industry, material footprints and business cycles, and so on.

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Alessio Miatto
Postdoctoral Associate
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Stijn van Ewijk
Postdoctoral Associate


Judy Crocker's picture
Judy Crocker
Program Coordinator
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Edward Gordon
Assistant Editor, Journal of Industrial Ecology
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Haynie Wheeler
Program Manager, Center for Industrial Ecology