Financial Support for Attending the REMADE Circular Economy Technology Summit & Conference
The REMADE Institute is proud to announce that financial support is now available to assist a limited number of U.S. university students and early career faculty to attend the upcoming REMADE Circular Economy Technology Summit & Conference, thanks to generous support from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
U.S. university students and early career faculty can now apply for up to $2,000 to cover travel and registration fees for the Conference, which will take place March 20-21, at the National Academy of Sciences Building, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., in Washington, D.C.
Financial support recipients will be able to attend the conference and hear from more than 60 innovators as they present leading-edge research on novel technologies capable of accelerating the transition to a Circular Economy. Recipients will also have opportunities to share their own scientific interests and accomplishments; interact with peers and colleagues from academia, government labs, and industry; and extend their networks and foster collaborations within the broader advanced manufacturing community.
U.S. university students and early career faculty, including those from underrepresented and underserved groups, are strongly encouraged to apply. According to the NSF, underrepresented and underserved groups in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) include women, minorities, and persons with disabilities.
To apply, click here.
To register for the conference, click here.
Program: REMADE Circular Economy Technology Summit & Conference
Kurihara Conference Fellowship
Applications are currently being accepted for 2023. Submission deadline is April 30, 2023 by 5PM.
Student attendance at industrial ecology related scientific and professional conferences can be a valuable way to gain insight into this broad field and meet experts in both formal and informal settings. The Center for Industrial Ecology provides funds to help defray the cost of attendance through the Kurihara Conference Fellowship. Funds are intended for current YSE Master’s students and must be used prior to graduation.
The Kurihara Conference Fellowship is supported by the Joel Omura Kurihara Fund. For more information about the fellowship, please contact Marikit Manalang, Program Manager, at marikit.manalang@yale.edu .