Past Talks

This series provided an opportunity to highlight the research conducted by the faculty, staff and visiting researchers at the Center, along with guest speakers, for the IE community at YSE. The talks are typically held during Friday lunch with time for Q&A and feedback from the audience.

ISIE Student Chapter President's Chat

November 13, 2020 - 7:00am to 8:00am

Opportunities in Post-Industrial Organics Recycling

October 9, 2020 - 8:00am to 9:00am

Past CIE Lunchtime Series Talks Fall 2017 to Fall 2020

2019-2020 series:

  • Collaborations in and contributions to the field of industrial ecology,
  • Paul Hoekman, Executive Director, International Society for Industrial Ecology
  • Resource Efficiency Strategies to Mitigate GHG Emissions from Homes and Cars,  Professor Edgar Hertwich, NTNU.
  • Characterizing the Materials Footprint of a Univesity Campus, Rachel Perlman, PhD Candidate, MIT
  • Accelerating the transition to low carbon industrial systems,
  • Daniel Cooper PhD, University of Michigan,
  • Riding the Circular Economy Wave, Stijn Van Ewijk, Postdoctoral Associate
  • Stakeholders’ behaviors in bioenergy development and waste management: incentives and business model,  Professor Tingting Liu, Visiting Fellow
  • On Demand Manufacturing – Real Opportunity or Fiction, Monica Magdas Miller, Founder/ CEO – Iconoclast Studio and Santicle
  • Drivers of change in residential energy consumption in the US. Investigating the roles of evolving housing age cohorts, fuel switching, and household size,  Peter Berrill, PhD candidate
  • Energy and resource benefits of metal recycling, Barbara Reck, Senior Research Scientist
  • Sustainability Implications of Consumer Electronics Adoption in the United States, Shahana Althaf, Posdoctoral Associate

2018-2019 series:

  • Why have greenhouse gas emission from material production doubled since 2000 and how can they be brought under control?,  Professor Edgar Hertwich
  • Re-examining the climate–trade dilemma and recourse nexus in China, Prof. Xu Tang, Visiting Fulbright Fellow
  • Research methods to quantify the consumption of non-metallic minerals used in constructions, Alessio Miatto, Postdoctoral Associate
  • Copper contamination in end-of-life steel recycling: developing a new strategy from million-tonnes to milligrams, Katie Daehn, PhD candidate
  • IoT& Data in the Context of Smart Buildings and Smart Cities : Micro to Macro, Prof. Sekhar Kondepudi, Director, MSc in Environmental Management (MEM) Program, National University of Singapore
  • Oil Abundance: New Climate Strategies for 21st Century Unconventional Energy Resources, Deborah Gordon, Director, Energy and Climate Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  • Anyone Want my Half Eaten Artisanal Sandwich?: Food in the Sharing Economy, Tamar Makov, PhD candidate.
  • Urban Mining towards Environmental and Resource Sustainability: Science, Technology and Policy, Dr. Xianlai Zeng, Fulbright Visiting Fellow, from Tsinghua University.
  • Introduction to Green Chemistry through the Green ChemisTREE, Hanno Erythropel,Postdoctoral Associate, and Laurene Petitjean, PhD candidate, from the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering
  • Just Transitions and Socio-Metabolic Transformation: Learning Lessons from the Global Renewable Energy Transition, Mark Swilling, Professor of Sustainable Development in the School of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University.
  • Applied LCA: Climate Mitigation for Passenger Vehicles, ​Qinghsi Tu, Postdoctoral Associate

2017-2018 series:

  • ​Life Cycle Assessment in the Chinese Auto Industry, Xin Sun, Chinese Automotive Technology and Resource Center
  • Incorporating Use of Capital into US Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis, ​Peter Berrill and Reed Miller, PhD candidates
  • The Rectangular Choice-of-Technologies Model: Resource Scarcity, Stock-Flow Dynamics, and Recycling
  • Potential in an Input-Output Context, Nathaniel Springer, Postdoctoral Researcher
  • ​​Industry and Climate Change Mitigation, Prof. Edgar Hertwich
  • Bayesian Inference in Surface Water Quality Modeling, Farnaz Nojavan, Postdoctoral Associate
  • LCA as a Decision Aid: Bridging the Academic - Business Divide, Thomas Swarr, Lecturer
  • Experiences from the Metal Industry, ​Galdino Claro, former CEO of Sims Metal Managements
  • Making the Invisible Visible: The Challenge of Quantifying the Climate Impact of Corporations, Suzanne Greene, Environmental Scientist, MIT
  • How Blockchain will Transform the Trade of used Electronics, Rohi Sukhia, founder and CEO of Tradeloop Corporation
  • Why Do We Recycle?  Disciplinary Questions on Sustainable Municipal Waste Management, Samantha MacBride, Director of Research and Operations at the Bureau of Recycling and Sustainability, NYC Department of Sanitation